
A Medspa’s Guide to Navigating the Summer Dip

A Medspa’s Guide to Navigating the Summer Dip

A Medspa's Guide to Navigating the Summer Dip

As we transition into the summer months, medspas might notice a slight dip in business. This guide aims to provide you with effective strategies to navigate and thrive during this slower period. Remember, this seasonal dip is normal and happens annually across the country. Let’s dive into planning ahead to make the most of this time.

Planning Timeline

April: Preparation Phase

  • Engage Early on Social Media: Start conversations, share exciting updates about upcoming treatments, and highlight spa events. Listen to your patients needs to tailor your services accordingly. Engaging early allows us to understand what our patients are looking for and how we can tailor our services to meet those needs. If not in the Summer, then for the future when the busy months start picking up again around the holidays.
  • Collect Data: Understanding your patients preferences will help you prepare for future busy months and create targeted offers.
  • Promotions: Plan offers to keep your current clientele engaged and attract new clients. Offers are crucial during the summer to maintain business momentum. 

Patients are looking for no downtime treatments that will keep them glowy, hydrated and looking beautiful that day. Facials crank this time of year. This is one of the top services to run during these months. We really just want to keep it simple. Most times, we put out promos that are for new patients, but for the purpose of these Summer months, make these promotions available to everyone. Keep your patients engaged. 

May: Execution Phase

  • Launch Summer Campaigns: Implement the strategies and campaigns developed in April. Use May to start your summer promotions and engage both current and new patients.
  • SMS Reactivation Campaign: Reach out to your old database with taglines like “We’ve missed you!” to bring back previous clients. Limited-time offers can create urgency and drive engagement.

June to August: Engagement Phase

  • Incentivize Engagement: Offer discounts for patients who book their next treatment on the same day or provide freebies like skincare products with specific services.
  • Cross-Sell Services: Encourage clients to try complementary treatments. For example, offer a discount on facials for patients coming in for Botox.

Key Strategies

1. Social Media Engagement

   – Start conversations early.

   – Share updates and listen to client needs.

   – Tailor services based on client feedback.

2. Promotions and Offers

   – Plan summer-specific offers to keep clients engaged.

   – Extend offers to both new and current clients to maximize reach.

   – Use taglines and limited-time offers to create urgency.

3. SMS Reactivation Campaigns

   – Reach out to past clients with personalized messages.

   – Highlight limited-time offers to encourage immediate action.

4. Incentives and Freebies

   – Offer discounts for booking next treatments.

   – Provide freebies to enhance client experience.

   – Use incentives to build loyalty and trust.

5. Cross-Selling Services

   – Recommend complementary treatments.

   – Offer discounts on additional services to enhance client satisfaction.


Navigating the summer dip can be challenging, but with early preparation, strategic execution, and a focus on exceptional service, you can turn this slow period into an opportunity for growth. If you need personalized assistance to prepare for slower seasons, don’t hesitate to reach out for a consultation. Our team at MedspaBloom is here to help you develop a tailored plan to overcome challenges and achieve success.

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Samantha Laone
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