Medspa Patients: Increase Patient Loyalty & Follow-up Appointments

Medspa Patients: Increase Patient Loyalty & Follow-up Appointments

Hey there, medical spa owners! So, you’re trying to figure out the best way to get your patients to come back for their follow-up appointments, especially for those important post-treatment photos? Well, you’re in the right place! Let’s talk about some easy and practical tips to help you keep your patients coming back and happy.

Incentivize Their Return

First things first, everyone loves a little incentive! One of the best ways to encourage patients to return is by offering them a discount coupon or a gift card when they come back for their follow-up. It’s a simple but effective way to make them feel valued and excited to return.

Keep in Touch

Do you have your patients signed up for messaging? If not, get them on board! Sending out discount codes and keeping them updated on any new deals is a great way to stay in touch. Create a retention funnel that not only informs them about specials but also keeps them on a regular schedule for rebooking their appointments.

Make It About Them

Take before and after photos, asking patients to come back for their After photo and reminding them that it’s for their benefit so they can see the difference. Explain that to ensure the best treatment performance for them, you need to see how their treatment turned out and make any necessary adjustments. If they don’t come back, you can’t ensure their results are perfect. Most first-time patients will return in two weeks if you explain the benefits clearly.

Book While They’re Still There

One of the easiest ways to ensure your patients come back is to schedule their follow-up appointment while they’re still in the chair. Book it in your system and ask them to put it in their calendar right away. Then, send reminder messages leading up to the appointment to confirm their attendance.

Offer Complimentary Top-Ups

Here’s a neat trick: offer a “complimentary” touch-up during their follow-up appointment. Let your patients know about this before they book and again after they’ve had their treatment. Say something like, “By the way, touch-ups are complimentary.” Just factor the cost into the upfront price. You can also add a time limit for this offer. For example, touch-ups are only complimentary if they return within 2-3 weeks. After that window, they’ll have to pay extra. This adds a sense of urgency and encourages them to return promptly.

Incorporate Into Reminders

Don’t forget to mention the complimentary touch-ups in your appointment reminders. For example, you can say, “Hey [Name], just a reminder that you have your free touch-up appointment on [Date]. Please reschedule if you can’t make it, but remember, you’ll have to pay extra for touch-ups if you come in later than [Date 2-3 weeks post-treatment]. See you soon!”

Final Thoughts

An 80% follow-up rate is pretty awesome, but it can be frustrating when the other 20% don’t show up. By trying these tips, you’ll hopefully get those no-shows to come back too. Remember, it’s easy to forget to mention the small stuff, but it really makes a difference. Never assume your clients know – always remind them!

Give these strategies a try, and watch your patient retention rates soar. Good luck!

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Our free marketing audit is completed by one of our in-house marketing experts and will provide insight on how you can improve your marketing to get more new patients leads (or hire an agency if that works best for you).

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Micahlynn Kaza
Over 28 years of online marketing experience including international awards for technology and design. Outside of running MedspaBloom operations, Micahlynn is an avid equestrian and explorer.
Micahlynn Kaza

Over 28 years of online marketing experience including international awards for technology and design. Outside of running MedspaBloom operations, Micahlynn is an avid equestrian and explorer.

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