
Tips and Tricks for Starting a New Medical Spa on a Budget

Tips and Tricks for Starting a New Medical Spa on a Budget

Starting a new medical spa can be exciting but also a bit overwhelming. To help you get started without breaking the bank, here are some easy-to-follow tips and tricks to keep your costs low:

1. Focus on a Few Treatments

When you’re just starting out, it’s important not to try and offer every treatment under the sun. Pick a few key treatments to focus on. This way, you can become really good at those specific services without spreading yourself too thin.

2. Use Virtual Consultations

Consider using virtual General Facial Evaluations (GFEs). Services like SpaKinect can help you get patients in and out quickly and safely. This not only saves time but also reduces the need for a large physical space.

3. Be Smart About Buying Supplies

Don’t fall into the trap of buying expensive devices or large orders of fillers just because they seem like a good deal. Buy what you can afford and what you know you’ll use soon. Ask for samples first!

4. Automate Where You Can

Using automation in your business can save you a lot of money. With good software for scheduling, emails, and customer workflows, you can manage with fewer front desk employees. This can be a big money-saver.

5. Avoid Expensive Marketing Gimmicks

There are many marketing programs that promise to bring in lots of customers quickly, but they can be very expensive and may not deliver. Instead, focus on understanding your business and setting solid foundations before diving into big marketing spends.

If you see a post or an ad for “Get ___ new patients in ___ days! Guaranteed!” – avoid it at all costs!!!! These are ‘marketing bros’ and are just in it to get rich quick. Most are newer “agencies” just trying to launch their own business and do not have much experience in marketing, let alone marketing for medspas specifically. They will usually burn through YOUR money very quickly since they are inexperienced in running marketing campaigns for medspas.

6. Start Small with Your Space

Rent a smaller, affordable space rather than a large, expensive one. You only need enough room to get the job done well. As your business grows, you can always expand later.

7. Choose Low-Cost Consumable Services

When you do start to expand your services, pick ones that have low-cost consumables. This helps keep ongoing costs down while still offering a variety of treatments.

8. Don’t Buy Just Because Customers Ask

Sometimes customers will ask for specific products or services. Be cautious about making expensive purchases based on these requests. Make sure there’s enough demand before you invest.

9. Become an Expert in One Thing at a Time

Focus on becoming really good at one treatment before adding more. This ensures you provide the best service possible and helps build a strong reputation without needing lots of expensive equipment.

10. Leverage Automation for Efficiency

Using automation tools, from AI for answering phones to customer management systems, can significantly cut down on staff needs and improve efficiency. This way, you can manage with fewer employees and still provide excellent service.

By following these simple tips, you can keep your costs low while building a successful and thriving medical spa. Start small, stay focused, and grow your business gradually. Good luck!

Schedule A Free Marketing Consult

Want advice on how you can get more new patient leads? We would be happy to do an online marketing audit and let you know areas that could improve and how to do it. We believe in helping and educating medspa owners so they can DIY their marketing where needed and save cost, but we’re always here to help when you need it. Plans start at only $199/month.

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Micahlynn Kaza
Over 28 years of online marketing experience including international awards for technology and design. Outside of running MedspaBloom operations, Micahlynn is an avid equestrian and explorer.
Micahlynn Kaza

Over 28 years of online marketing experience including international awards for technology and design. Outside of running MedspaBloom operations, Micahlynn is an avid equestrian and explorer.

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