Sign-up Steps

You can easily sign-up and pay online

After your free consultation and it is determined that it is a good fit, you will be sent a link to walk through the sign-up process:

  • Contract
  • Payment
  • Intake Form
  • Schedule On-Boarding Call

After you complete the sign-up steps, you will receive a few emails from us with your signed contract, account login, and On-Boarding Call information, and appointment reminders.

Online Marketing Audit

We like to get to know our clients first

Prior to your On-Boarding Call, we will complete a thorough online marketing audit so we can learn more about your med spa as a whole. This will allow us to assist you better during your time with us at MedspaBloom.

We will be reviewing your website, social media, reviews and ratings, SEO rankings, and a multitude of other data points that will give us a better sense of strengths and opportunities for your brand and define a current baseline.

If there is anything you want us to know about your brand prior to the audit, or even if you’re a new brand with little to no online presence, you can let us know on the Intake Form.

On-Boarding Call

It’s time to meet your Account Manager

During your On-Boarding Call, you will be working directly with one of our highly experienced Account Managers.

You Account Manager will be your primary point of contact throughout your time with MedspaBloom so they can fully get to know and understand your business and use that knowledge to plan and coordinate all marketing efforts.

On the call, your Account Manager will go over your Intake Form, our Online Marketing Audit along with recommendations, and work with you to plan a marketing strategy that can help achieve your goals and stay within your budget.

Getting Setup

Initial setup usually takes about two weeks

After the On-Boarding call, we will finalize the action plan for marketing efforts and coordinate with the rest of our team to build out marketing resources needed to complete them.

Your Account Manager will be in constant contact with you if there are any questions or issues during setup so we can get them resolved quickly.

During your On-Boarding Call, your Account Manager may request specific items from you. The faster you can get those items to your Account Manager the better! We tend to work fairly quickly through the setup process and quick turn around on your part will allow us to launch your marketing sooner.

Time for Launch!

Let’s get this party started

Once all marketing campaigns are setup, our team will review for accuracy according to the Intake Form and On-Boarding Call notes and then send everything to you for review and approval.

Time is of the essence when it comes to your review of your marketing assets. Please review these items as soon as you get them and let us know of any changes or if you approve to launch them live.

Once campaigns are up and running, your Account Manager will monitor them for performance, response, and any opportunities for optimization. Your Account Manager will keep you updated on how things are going and if there are any recommendations that need your consideration and approval.