
Medspa Market Research using Facebook Ads

Medspa Market Research using Facebook Ads

Hey there! If you’re a medical spa owner, you might be wondering how to do market research to attract more clients. Let’s break it down in a straightforward way that anyone can understand. Imagine you’re talking to a friend who knows a bit about marketing. Ready? Let’s go!

What is Market Research?

Market research is all about finding out what your potential clients want and need. This helps you create better ads and services that they’ll love. There are two main types of market research:

  1. Primary Research: This involves getting information directly from people through surveys, focus groups, and interviews.
  2. Secondary Research: This uses existing information like reports, studies, and data you find online.

Now, let’s dive into how to use Facebook ads for market research.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Facebook Ads for Market Research

1. Setting Up Your Campaign

First, you need to go to Facebook Ads Manager. Here’s what to do:

  1. Create a Campaign: Click on “Create” and choose “Leads.” This will help you gather information from potential clients.
  2. Name Your Campaign: Give it a name like “Facelift Campaign.”
  3. Select Your Audience: Start with open targeting, which means you’re not restricting who sees the ad too much. Set a radius around your location, like 15-18 miles.
  4. Budget: Set a daily budget. Start with $30 a day.

2. Creating Your Ad

Your ad needs two main things: ad copy and creatives.

  • Ad Copy: This is the text in your ad. Use the AIDA model: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. Grab their attention, spark interest, talk about their desires, and tell them what to do next.
  • Creatives: These are the images or videos in your ad. Before-and-after photos work great, but don’t label them as “before and after.” Use terms like “Day 1” and “Day 30.”

3. Using Facebook Lead Forms

A Facebook Lead Form is a way to collect information from people interested in your services. Here’s how to set it up:

  1. Create the Form: Click “Create Form” and choose “Higher Intent” to ask more detailed questions.
  2. Add Questions: Ask questions like “What is your biggest concern?” with options like “Eye bags,” “Smile lines,” or “Uneven skin tone.”
  3. Privacy Policy: Make sure to include a link to your privacy policy.

4. Analyzing the Data

Once people start filling out the forms, you’ll have lots of useful data. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Collect Information: Look at what people are most concerned about. This helps you understand your audience better.
  2. Create a Custom Audience: Use the data to target people who filled out your form with follow-up ads.
  3. Lookalike Audiences: Create ads for people similar to those who filled out your form.

5. Running Retargeting Campaigns

Now that you have a lot of information, you can run retargeting campaigns. These are ads that specifically target people who showed interest before. Here’s how:

  1. Create a New Campaign: Choose “Leads” again, but this time for retargeting.
  2. Custom Audience: Use the audience of people who filled out your form.
  3. Budget and Creative: Set your budget and upload your creative content.

6. Testing and Tweaking

Always test different ads to see what works best. Try different images, videos, and text. Pay attention to what gets the most clicks and adjust your ads accordingly.

Final Tips

  • Be Creative: Use eye-catching images and clear, simple text.
  • Keep Learning: Marketing is always changing, so stay updated with new strategies.
  • Engage with Your Audience: When people comment or message you, reply and build a relationship.

By following these steps, you’ll get a better understanding of your clients and attract more people to your med spa. Happy marketing!

Schedule A Free Marketing Consult

Want advice on how you can get more new patient leads? We would be happy to do an online marketing audit and let you know areas that could improve and how to do it. We believe in helping and educating medspa owners so they can DIY their marketing where needed and save cost, but we’re always here to help when you need it. Plans start at only $199/month.

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Micahlynn Kaza
Over 28 years of online marketing experience including international awards for technology and design. Outside of running MedspaBloom operations, Micahlynn is an avid equestrian and explorer.
Micahlynn Kaza

Over 28 years of online marketing experience including international awards for technology and design. Outside of running MedspaBloom operations, Micahlynn is an avid equestrian and explorer.

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